The attitude each of us must have as we come back together is probably best described in the book of Philippians 2:1-5, “If there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, make my joy complete by thinking the same way, having the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus…”

As we meet for worship, would you join us in implementing this passage into your hearts, attitudes, and words? Not everyone feels the same way about the COVID-19 virus. By each of us implementing this biblical encouragement we will strive to maintain the unity and love we have been experiencing as a church family.

Understanding why we are using our outdoor worship area

The State of New Mexico authorities have shared that we can open at 25% of our worship space. If we utilize our inside Worship Center, 25% would be 60 people. This would mean an estimated five services to accommodate our average 250 in worship. However, if we utilized our outdoor worship space (the north parking lot) we can have one service. The outdoor worship center space will seat approximately 2,988 people, allowing for 12 square feet per person. 25% of 2,988 is 747; so, we can seat approximately 747 people in one service.

We realize there will be certain challenges with worshipping outside. However, being outside provides sunshine, wind, and plenty of space for families to set and worship while maintaining safe practices. Some people may not be able or ready to return to a corporate setting. We understand this and respect their decision.

Reasons to continue worshipping from home

  • If you are vulnerable to the Covid-19 virus
  • If you are running a fever or are sick
  • If you are more comfortable worshipping online at this time

Please know that you are loved and missed, and we look forward to this passing.

If you choose to attend the outdoor worship

The following are guidelines that we, your church council, would ask you adhere to if you make the decision to return to corporate worship:

  • We will begin at 8:30am to enjoy the cooler summer mornings. We suggest you arrive early to secure a place for you and your family and be less disruptive to the worship service
  • Parents with preschoolers/young children and Senior Adult parking is available on the south side of the church. Other parking is available along the street
  • Bring lawn chairs for you and your family
  • Bring sunscreen and an umbrella if you desire. Please no pop-up tents or awnings
  • Bring your own coffee or whatever you enjoy drinking
  • Sit in family groups
  • Be smart and try to leave space (6 feet) between your family and others
  • If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask to worship, please do so
  • Respect others by not assuming it is proper to shake hands or hug. Hand shaking and hugs are not encouraged at this time
  • Restrooms are available in the foyer on the east side of the church
  • No preschool care or childcare will be provided at this time during worship
  • We will have tithe and offering boxes available
  • Feel free to invite others to join you for worship either online or in person

Sunday School will meet at 10:15 am in outside areas for all ages. Pre-School and children leaders will wear masks at all times during Sunday School.

Thank you for being such a wonderful church family. Thank you for your flexibility, faithfulness and understanding as we walk through these ever changing and challenging days. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask any of us or contact the church office.

Praying for the Father to be glorified,

Terry Lowe                     Debra Nichols                         Michelle Kennedy

Will Lee                         Jarrell Botello                          Pastor Mike Napier