The Children’s Ministry at First Baptist offers many different opportunities for children to learn about God and experience Bible teaching. We simply love kids!
Sunday Morning Bible Classes
Children and Preschoolers are taught Bible lessons in age based Sunday School classes at 9:00 am and 10:45 am on Sunday mornings. Childcare is provided for birth through age 4 during this time also.
Wednesday Evenings
Wednesday nights are busy. At 6:30 pm the children meet together for snack and G-Force, an active, exciting discipleship program. The preschoolers meet together for Bible lessons also.
Special Summer Events
During the summer, we have some special events for children. Our VBS is a high energy week with a wide range of activities, including Bible lessons, crafts, recreation, missions and music. Additionally, camps are great opportunities for 1st – 6th graders to go away for a few days for overnight camping experiences focusing on spiritual growth and outdoor adventure.
Spiritual Decisions
Children are a very special part of our church family at First Baptist. When a child is ready to talk about a faith decision, our Pastor enjoys visiting individually with that child, making sure that they understand and are ready to take steps of faith such as salvation and baptism.